Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Tray ceiling paint

Tray ceiling paint Search Tray ceiling paint pictures gallery in this site as will as more popular Tray ceiling paint catalog in our site The first element of design you can add to give your ceiling a personality is, to decide its look. Even in tray ceilings there are various types of patterns like the low ceiling, high ceiling or flat ceiling. These patterns can be used in almost any room in the house, depending on which type looks good for which room. 

Tray ceiling painting ideas

For example, the low tray ceiling, that is a slab extension below the normal ceiling surface, looks great in kitchens. Similarly the high ceiling along with designer crown moldings can be used in living rooms and bedrooms to make the space look bigger and emptier. Therefore when it comes to tray ceiling designs, you have a wide variety of ceiling patterns to choose from.

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